www.smartceo.com. The Smart100 companies represent a variety of industries including government contracting, information technology consulting, travel services, financial services, and video production. The average Smart100 company employs between 10 to 100 employees and generates $10-$50 million in revenue. “The Smart100 represent 100 of greater Washington’s CEO’s. No other publications in the Greater Washington area have produced a publication of this magnitude with such high-caliber CEOs. The Smart100 embodies 100 CEO’s with incredible business minds who have successfully grown their companies to be the best in Washington,” says Group Associate Publisher of SmartCEO, Jaime Park. Washington SmartCEO magazine is a regional “growing company” publication. SmartCEO believes that a “growing company” is really determined by the spirit, drive and dynamics of a company’s owners and managers, rather than by the size of its building, the number of its employees, or its sales volume. SmartCEO is read by more than 34,000 business owners in Baltimore and Washington.]]>